Loch Ness

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A monster lake in more ways than one.

Did you know that Loch Ness, home to Nessie, the world famous Loch Ness Monster, is big enough to hide the entire human population of the world. No wonder no-one has captured the monster yet! First spotted in 565 AD by St Columba, who had come to Scotland from Ireland to convert the locals to Christianity, the monster has now been seen over 1000 times. It’s not just old grainy photos that are taken either – there have been sightings every year for the past 80 and there’s no sign that Nessie has disappeared yet.

So where’s best to do some monster hunting – remember, the loch is 23 miles long and has more water in it than all the lakes and reservoirs in England and Wales combined. With our expert guides, you’ll not only have the best chance of seeing the fabled monster but you’ll also get to see the other wonders in the area as it’s not just Nessie that makes Loch Ness so special

So, notwithstanding that the loch is so big – and deep, it’s twice the depth of the nearby North Sea for example – come with us though and you can have your own unique chance to get up close and hunt for Nessie. You can get on to the water and have a look from one of the many boat tours or join us at ruined castles and other hidden Nessie spotting sites for a chance to see the elusive creature.

There’s also the chance to check out the top visitor attractions by the loch, or have a bite to eat on the shores of this famous lake –in fact you could spend a week around Loch Ness and while you might not spot Nessie, you’ll take away amazing memories of the spectacular vista that is Loch Ness.

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